Hall Whitebred Shorthorns

Hall Farm, Brendon

Karen Wall, founder of this rare breed cattle has been rearing these indigenous cattle for ten years. Initially Karen ran a micro dairy near Penzance, producing and delivering pasteurised milk cream and butter. With a move to North Devon three years ago the herd changed to a suckler herd with an emphasis on selective breeding to improver the stock. Karen now produces cattle with excellent pedigrees and conformation, producing yearling bulls and heifers for private sale.

The breed is genetically different from both the beef shorthorn and the dairy shorthorn. They are of medium size, milky, hardy- so will winter out, easy calvers, very quiet temperament and will improve any cross bred dam. They are particularly noted for crossing with the Galloway to produce the renowned blue-grey. The Whitebred Shorthorn is considered the vital link in the beef production chain.

For the past three years Karen has been in the SAC heath scheme, and has always tested negative for BVD, Johne’s, Lepto and TB. The added assurance that the cattle are disease free has to be a bonus for any prospective purchaser.

The Whitebred Shorthorn will outwinter quite happily so thus reduce the costs of housing, bedding and mucking out in the spring.

The herd has access to shelter through out the year but choose only to use it on very hot days or particularly windy ones. Overall this has a big impact on carbon emissions.

They will thrive on the most marginal of land, eating a variety of other vegetation as well as grass. Consequently they make an ideal breed for conservation grazing or to be credited in the Countryside Stewardship schemes.

  • calves playing tag
  • primrose and daisy
  • rose and violet
  • whitebred shorthorn cow


Here are a selection of photos of the herd and from around Hall Farm

Interested in Whitebred Shorthorn Cattle?

Whether you are just starting out or developing an established herd, let us know if we can help

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Hall Farm,
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EX35 6PS

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